It was all finally decided and announced just before I left on Friday, so I was really able to relax and enjoy myself for a few days. We spent 24 hours with a friend in Queens, where we had sushi, watched Magic Mike, and on the lovely Saturday got out to Flushing Meadows Corona Park to see the site of the 1939 and 1964 World's Fairs.
I was actually really thrilled to do this. I admit, the various World's Fairs tweak that nostalgia part of my vintage-loving habits, and I have always been a bit intrigued. The timing was great, as we even got a few sneak photos in the pavilion next to the space-age observatory towers. The pavilion was being cleaned out (somewhat) for this week's 50th Anniversary events. After that, we enjoyed a little picnic under the Unisphere, and strolled through the park.
Saturday through Monday were spent with my brother's family in Harlem. We had roti rolls, popped around town a bit on errands, played plenty of board games, and then we made them a nice Easter lunch on Sunday. I baked a lovely little organic roast chicken to break my non-meat Lent fast...but I think I'm going to stick to the pescatarian lifestyle for a while.
I also spent some time giving my niece more sewing lessons. We got her a mostly-new second-hand sewing machine last year, but I think she needs a little more encouragement and practice. We tackled a test circle skirt on an old sheet, and picked out some cute red cotton from a Garment District shop that we found open on Sunday. I wrote out the steps and measurements we used, so that she can start the real one on her own when she feels ready. Looks like I will just have to plan more trips to NYC to keep up her sewing lessons!