To-Do and the great Purge


First, I didn't actually make my Me-Made-May pledge! Of course, I started May 2, and no one reads this blog, so it doesn't matter. But for self motivation, here is my very loose set of rules:

I pledge to do one of the following every day in May**
a) Wear something I made and/or altered (hopefully at least once a week)
b) Spend at a portion of each day sewing or working on alterations
c) Blog as a motivation to keep going!

These are loose, obviously, and b and c are there to make up for the fact I only have about half a dozen or so items self-made at this point, and half of those need alterations! 

I did a big closet purge this weekend as part of my spring cleaning. I filled a huge bag and a smaller one with clothes and things for Goodwill, and set aside a handful of items of better origin and condition to try and take by a local consignment shop. Despite misgivings and the fact I'm only halfway to my old weight, I tried on the "skinny" section in the back of my closet. You know the one. The things left from the one summer I was at goal weight; items bought thrifted that "almost fit" and were awaiting that 5-10 pounds; etc.

Shockingly, two (and a half) skirts and a pair of pants were able to upgrade to my daily wardrobe! Simultaneously, of course, I had to move three of my self-made dresses and my handmade pencil skirt back to the sewing room for adjustments. I had a tendency to make things a little big on myself, and having lost 12 pounds...well, that just won't work.

In the "To Do" or UFO pile (not counting the many patterns and pieces of fabric saved in the "wish list" file), I have several items I hope to focus myself on this month:

- Lady Grey jacket. Shamefully both pattern and fabric were purchased shortly after Gertie's Sew-Along, and yet I've only gotten as far as a muslin mock-up. Which now will need to be refitted anyway.

- Vintage blouse(s). I have set aside some small yardage for several new tops over the last year. I mocked up this blouse pattern in the fall, and even got as far as cutting it out of this pretty teal and purple plaid: 

So that has moved back to my table to try and accomplish this week. I also have a very nice fitting Sorbetto top that I made last year, and I hope to make a couple more in alternate fabrics for summer.

- Butterick 5846 was love at first sight, and I've pulled it out and started cutting a muslin this weekend despite my better judgement. I don't actually have a fabric in mind, but I have several in my stash that will probably do nicely. And I think it has wiggle room up and down to make now and adjust if I continue to be successful in weight loss.

- My yellow sundress alteration. Because it's my favorite summer dress and is just too darn loose in the bodice to be decent.

Other sewing time is dedicated to making a few more things for the shop and a couple of commissioned pieces--have to save some time for making things that supplement the income! 

Progress reports pending...

** Self-acknowledged exceptions are the four-day hippie bluegrass festival for which I won't be in town. Unless I manage to whip up a few more sundresses in the next two weeks. And a couple of opening week events at work where I work 14 hour days, and unless one of my dresses works, there won't be time for b or c options.
