
Hello there, blog.
Okay, so as the season calms down (okay, not my real job season, but my freelance shows), I am attempting to focus more on sewing for fun. I love things like the Me-Made-May challenges I see online, but I know I don't have enough of my own made things. I'm too busy making for others and shows! But it is motivating, nonetheless, and I have several things to alter and UFOs to tackle.

Right now I'm in the (good-but-frustrating) position of both wanting to sew for myself, and being between sizes. I could start altering things I've made in the past (like my favorite yellow sundress), but when I'm 12 pounds down and 15 to go, seems like not the time to dedicate to more new clothes. However, I have several projects lined up for Etsy and some more things for other folks, so perhaps that will be my monthly challenge: to post something I've made every day and/or to sew at least three times a week for fun and not a deadline!

Starting with what I hope will be a wearable muslin for my SiL, this "Amelia" dress was a breeze to assemble, and helped reinvigorate me this week. So my first May post (on May 2) is that!
