I have been making a strong effort to spend at least a couple hours a couple of evenings a week in my sewing room. It's hard. Last week I had many small house projects to prepare for new short-term roommate to move in, and both weeks there were long hours at work. But I'm trying. It is honestly mostly time spent cleaning and purging--until I can get it organized to a point of functionality, I'm going to keep purging!
This coming weekend I plan to spend part of Saturday shopping with my "intern" for costumes for my SCT show, altering my vintage birthday dress for a wedding I'm going to on Sunday, and then Labor Day I'll have Spinstah in for a sewing day. Motivate us both to make progress!
So, what non-show things are on my table? Well, first is finishing a cute little casual dress I was trying to get done for my roomie before she left for her trip. I failed, but I think I can finish the alterations before I see her in Dublin next month and deliver it then.
After that, I am determined to make me some clothes! I think I'm within 5-8 pounds of where I can maintain my weight. So, I feel it's safe to start altering and sewing properly. I'm rather motivated by Lucky Lucille and By Gum, By Golly's Fall For Cotton sewing challenge, so, why not? I hope if I keep challenging myself, I might actually complete one!
But what to make? I have several vintage patterns, but none that quite go with any of the 100% cotton cloth I have--and all ME projects have to use stock fabric, period. First I was eying up this beautiful lavender vintage border print I have been hording since the great vintage donation of 2011. But it's so summery and with three days left until to September, that seems silly.

And then I remembered this jewel! Another piece of the great vintage donation, this whimsical novelty print would be my first such foray into vintage sewing. I love the idea of of a cute novelty top, and the Colette Sencha pattern in my stock has just the right vintage vibe for it.
Instead of dipping into my rapidly depleting muslin stash, I decided to follow the "wearable muslin" trend, and grabbed what was left of a deep fuchsia up-cycled sheet I was using for trip on an Archbishop costume at SCT last season. The sheet was in largely good shape. It doesn't follow the rules of being 100% cotton--it has some non-wrinkle poly blend that makes it a little off-grain and stretchy. But it will do for fitting the right pattern size, I think, and hopefully will give me a second wearable top!
So, here goes nothing :)